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2012- New Light Configuration Part 1

MWL Aug. 23, 2010

Let’s get a little more in-depth and specific about 2012. So we understand that it’s a light configuration change. This happens on a vertical axis and is a shift towards a vibration going upwards. My understanding is that in 2012 this new light configuration will be in full effect, in full radiance and establishment. It is like the complete movement into the Aquarian Age. To better understand this I’m going to give you an analogy. It fits pretty nicely into what I’m trying to explain.

Not too long ago we moved from analog to digital TV here in the US. In this analogy, analog is one light configuration and the move to digital is a higher vibrating level of the new light configuration. There was a period when we lived with both analog and digital when we were in the transition to the full spectrum of digital TV. So it is at these moments until 2012, that we also live amongst these two light configurations. So in 2012 at the cutoff date, (not sure of the exact date), we will only have the new, higher light configuration in place.

What does this difference in light configuration mean? Again, another analogy that explains entering adolescence is the following. At some point in a 9-10-year-old's life, messages are sent to prepare the body for the teen years. Let’s call these messages a new communication or a new light configuration. This new light configuration is messages, information, instructions, laws, and requirements that are communicated to the pre-teen. A teenager goes through enormous physical, mental, and emotional changes. It can be a period of upheaval, difficulties, rebellion, etc. With the cosmic light configuration coming in, the Earth has been and is getting instructions to go through its “teen” years. Since we are a part of the Earth, we too are responding to these changes. Our physical bodies have been and are right now changing. Our DNA is changing. Space within our physical bodies is increasing. Some people are becoming more sensitive to their physical bodies- being able to feel pain and discomfort, cold and heat more than before. Others are experiencing symptoms of various illnesses in a short time- you may have been diagnosed with one malady that quickly dissipates and new symptoms of another descriptive illness appear.

Our emotional bodies are changing too. Like a teen, we are experiencing many emotions: fear, anger, and rebellion being the strongest to surface. And this is not just ordinary fear and anger, but in some cases, these are the very depths of them. In many cases, this stems from the combining of the past, present, and future. You see part of these “teen years” is the movement of the past meeting with the present, and the future uniting with the present. The past not only encompasses your past in this lifetime but also the past of previous lifetimes. There is currently much misunderstanding as to what is going on as we have not been taught what these metaphysical teen years should be like. And so we get scared. It would be no different from a young girl getting her period without any given foresight that this was to come.

Mentally we are also going through major changes. This is where we talk about “the end of the world and starting a new consciousness”, just like an adolescent leaves the realm of the child and enters a new one. That is the end of one world and the beginning of a new; movement from one consciousness to another. The same thing happens when we move from the realm of the teenager to the adult. So you see, you have experienced the end of one world and the beginning of a new one already. The difference now is that the entire Milky Way galaxy is going through this change and so are we. Yes, we are always changing, just like how we are always changing every second from the time we are born to the time we die. During this life span, there are those particular moments, where there is MAJOR growth. It’s no different here in this current cosmic stage.

So in these times, we experience emotionally and mentally many new experiences. Because we are entering more mature levels of Being, grander abilities are open to us. For example, communicating internally with our physical bodies, communicating with other spaces/times within our Milky Way, telepathy, emotional-mental-physical instantaneous healing, and internal time travel. Another big component is that boundaries are being redrawn on all levels. Some of us can feel these boundaries fluctuating internally and externally among family, friends, and society. This expansion and changing of the borders can create difficulties, havoc, and stress- just like a teen caught between the boundaries of no longer being a child and not quite yet an adult.

If one does not joyously and lovingly accept these changes it can be very difficult. If one is so solidly tied to beliefs without room to loosen up a bit, these times will be even more difficult. Some examples are…

1. Some of you may be hearing voices, distinct internal or even voices that appear to be from the outside. If you tell yourself that you’re going crazy or you fall into the pits of fear because you see this as only for the mentally ill, the journey then becomes more difficult. It is best to understand that these openings of communication are all just a part of the process. Approach it with curiosity and wonder instead of with what the labels of “mental illness” or “Oh my God what is happening to me” have been inculcated.

2. You may experience a multitude of desires within a short period of time. For example, all of a sudden you get the urge to drink milk and you head to the refrigerator, and by the time you open the refrigerator door, the desire is completely gone. Then you experience a few moments of a total void. I cannot explain this feeling- it simply has to be felt in the flesh. And then you have this thought that you need to go grocery shopping. You’re headed out the door with car keys in hand and in an instant that impulse to go grocery shopping evaporates. This can cause fear in the individual, but understand that it’s all a part of the process to understand how desires, movement, and impulses operate, and to get to the understanding that there is nothing you have to do and nothing you have to be.

A list of other changes some of you might be experiencing.

*In regards to medicine, quantities, and frequencies may have to be recalculated since our bodies are changing. The majority of people will need smaller doses to get the needed effect. This applies to both conventional medicine and alternative treatments such as acupuncture and herbs.

*You may be much more sensitive to loud noises such as ambulance or police sirens, as well as ambient city noises such as traffic, crowded restaurants, etc.

*You may experience the time and space of an animal or an insect. Some people can actually feel themselves tapping into the Animal Kingdom, such as “I feel what it’s like to be a reptile”, and being able to sense this with every part of your being.

*You may sense movement with the mind while the physical body is in fact still. You may experience this as a profound sense of the mind being a separate entity from the body and even be able to sense the mind projecting itself out of the body. Another way you experience this may be that you “feel” the physical body moving quickly with the mind, when in fact, it is inert in space. *Some of you are experiencing bursts of anger without knowing where it comes from.

*Sensitivity to taste.

*Incompatibility with computers- you may become physically ill after working on a computer, specifically the muscles and eyes.

The important message here is that change is a part of life, and more so now that we are moving into an Adolescent Spiritual Growth spurt.


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