MWS Jul 15, 2024
"There is something as necessary as daily bread, and that is daily peace; peace without which even bread itself is bitter."
This quote is by the Mexican poet and writer Amado Nervo. It speaks to the importance of peace in our lives. Just as we need bread to sustain our bodies, we need peace to sustain our minds and spirits. Without peace, even the simplest things in life can lose their flavor.
Here is a more poetic translation:
"As needful as the bread we break each day, is peace we seek, to light and guide our way. Without its balm, even bread turns bitter fare, a hollow feast, devoid of love's sweet share."

"Hay algo tan necesario como el pan de cada día y es la paz de cada día; la paz sin la cual el mismo pan es amargo"
Esta cita es del poeta y escritor mexicano Amado Nervo. Habla de la importancia de la paz en nuestras vidas. Así como necesitamos el pan para sustentar nuestros cuerpos, necesitamos la paz para sustentar nuestras mentes y espíritus. Sin paz, incluso las cosas más simples de la vida pueden perder su sabor.
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