​My goal is to ignite the existing spark within each of you that drives us forward and awakens our consciousness through Self-Discovery. This journey is achieved through exploring our internal worlds—delving into our innermost thoughts, emotions, and Selves at a deeper level. We must cultivate intimacy with ourselves because, in understanding ourselves, we come to understand others. This understanding sets in motion the music, the dance, and the chain of peace in the world. Thus, awakening consciousness, discovering our truth, and meeting ourselves through Self-Discovery become essential.
You can’t stop love,
It will triumph.
You can’t stop peace,
It will conquer.
You can’t stop joy,
It will seize the day!
MWL DEC 2021
MWS–Movement: Awakening consciousness to Who We Are and promoting world peace, one person at a time.
Your inner potential is ripe for creating tremendous change both within yourself and in the world. The moment is NOW to embrace your potential, purpose, and gifts, to then help build our future where a New World is emerging.
This Movement is a path where we combine our energies and efforts to usher in the incredible shift that is unfolding. After all, we can only be as strong as the most delicate link among us.
Here we take steps towards making a meaningful difference in the world.
Here is where we move from believing in God to knowing God; where we seek and strive to embody compassion and understanding, with love as the pinnacle of an inclusive brotherhood rather than exclusiveness.
In this space, love transforms sacrifice into a gift of joy. Sacrifice is no longer about unnecessary suffering but about fostering unity and expansion among us. We embrace faith as a conviction, establishing a deep confidence in the workings of life, the universe, and Spirit.
Here, we release what no longer serves us from a place of fear and struggle, and instead integrate with the Divine, living with peace of mind and peace of the soul. Most importantly, here power is defined by dominion over oneself in the Spirit of Love, rather than power over others in the spirit of control and enslavement.
The question is: What price are you willing to pay for peace, and does that price align with Who We Are?
Join me in this mission.
Join me in a race through time
and be an active work of creation!
Touch the dream within the writings of your heart-
be the words that flow endlessly
through the pages of your life-
and live the greatest story ever told, because...
With your expression of true love,
true words and true actions...
You become the piece of the puzzle
that joins to create peace
in the world.
One man spoke these words
that were written upon time.
These words NOW are indicative and to be
applied on a level of Freedom for the
individual Soul and the Human Spirit.
I have a dream
that has been drummed before.
It is a dream of love and joy,
where God’s children
will sing together-
“Free at last,
free at last,
thank God Almighty
we are free at last."
Segment from Life is Beautiful: A book for every soul that seeks to expand
If this sparks your interest and moves your soul- come my way and let’s follow this path together... one step at a time, creating and establishing peace in the world… and remember, it begins with YOU!
More information on group session availability for this specific work will be forthcoming. Subscribe with your e-mail address at the bottom of any page to receive upcoming notifications for group sessions, MWS-Movement happenings, newsletter, information and general announcements..