Joyous New Year!
As we embark on this transformative year of 2025, I wish you a profound journey of Self-Discovery and spiritual awakening. May you reconnect with your inner source, embrace your inherent abundance, and break free from the chains of fear, anxiety, and anger.
Healing Crisis 2025 and Beyond
This year marks the beginning of a significant healing crisis for our planet and humanity. I’ve chosen the subtitle “Healing Crisis” for a reason. We’ve all experienced it: that period after surgery or a dental procedure when we feel worse before we feel better. Pain, inflammation, and a general sense of unwellness characterize this necessary stage in the recovery process. Just as a surgeon must carefully clean an infected wound, allowing pus to drain and the body to begin it's healing journey, we,—both individually and collectively—are now entering a critical phase of Self-Discovery and healing.
For too long, deep-seated wounds within the human psyche and the fabric of society have remained largely unexamined, leading to an individual and collective state of disharmony. And these issues have festered like hidden infections, generating a toxic brew of separation, distrust, and suffering. Now, however, we are finally at the beginning stages of opening these wounds to start the cleaning and renewing process. This is great news and a cause for immense hope, as it presents us with the opportunity to clear out the infection and pave the way for a healthier, more equitable future.
Yet, just as with any major surgery, we must diligently prepare for the journey ahead. This "pre-op" phase over the next few years requires us to navigate this transformative period with intention.
Embrace the Breath: To begin this inner journey, we must embrace the simple yet powerful practice of diaphragmatic breathing. This natural method helps you connect with yourself, get in touch with ourselves, calm the mind, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being and peace. Here is a link to help you get started with this practice: Diaphragm Breath Link
Ground Yourself in the Present Moment: Building upon this foundation of inner peace, we must cultivate “The Here And The Now" exercise. This practice is the foundation for Self-Discovery and further awakening work. The Here and The Now Exercise.
Seek Knowledge and Wisdom: In addition to cultivating inner peace, it is crucial to immerse ourselves in metaphysical, spiritual, esoteric, and Akashic teachings to deepen our understanding of ourselves and the universe. The knowledge of Who You Are, where you come from, and where we are headed will empower you to navigate forthcoming challenges.
Embrace Your Unique Path: No one said this path would be easy—after all, light attracts flies! Each of us has a unique role to play in the evolution of humanity. Trust your intuition, embrace your unique gifts, and stay true to your authentic self.
Cultivate Emotional and Mental Resilience: Develop strategies to fortify and balance the mental and emotional bodies. Just as important is to develop emotional intelligence. Remember, courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to act in spite of it.
Connect with your Higher Self: Through meditation, prayer, or other spiritual practices, connect with your Higher Self to gain guidance and support.
Acknowledge the pain: We must honestly confront the realities of the personal and societal wounds we seek to heal.
Prepare for the discomfort: The healing process will be challenging. There will be setbacks, unexpected complications, and periods of intense discomfort. We must be aware of this reality and develop the resilience to navigate them.
Build a support system: Just as patients rely on loved ones for care and encouragement during recovery, we need to build a strong support network within our communities. This network will provide emotional, social, and practical support as we navigate the challenges of collective healing.
A Brighter Future
The road ahead will undoubtedly be arduous. However, by understanding our nature and the nature of this healing crisis —and by diligently preparing for our journey—we can emerge stronger, more resilient, and more deeply connected as a society.
And as we individually and collectively heal and evolve, we lay the foundation for a brighter future. Together with dedication and consistency, we can create a world filled with love, peace, and harmony.
Let's seize this opportunity and elevate to higher levels of understanding, balance, and calm. Most of all, let's open ourselves to higher levels of that incredible, indescribable, Total Encompassing Love; this is what will make us instruments of peace in creating the New World of harmony and cooperation.
I remind you once again: It is out of chaos that order emerges: out of darkness that the light is born. To truly navigate this healing crisis, we must confront the darkness, chaos, pain, discomfort, grief and the shadows within. Embrace the unprocessed emotions, acknowledge and integrate the less-than-ideal aspects of yourself. Sit with it, get to know it deeply, embrace it, and ask for its gifts, allowing the transformation process to occur throughout the coming years.
You can’t stop love,
It will triumph.
You can’t stop peace,
It will conquer.
You can’t stop joy,
It will seize the day.
MWL Dec. 1, 2021
Many blessings and my love and joy