MWL Feb 26, 2024
Today, the energetic forces of duality confront us with their full might. More than ever, it's crucial to begin understanding ourselves, our nature, and this inherent struggle between separateness and unity. This relentless pursuit of dominance, reflected in the rise and fall of empires throughout history, exemplifies the 'us vs.them' mentality fueled by duality. And today, under the influence of the light configuration of the Age of Aquarius, the contrast and clash between these 2 paths signals further change, growth and transformation much like hormones signal the start of puberty.
In a similar way, planet Earth and all its inhabitants are entering a phase of what I call Spiritual Adolescence. It's a time of transformation, mirroring a teenager experiencing hormonal changes. Just like that teenager, we're dismantling old structures, which can feel uncomfortable, but it's ultimately leading us towards becoming a more conscious and unified being.
The next 8 years will be like navigating rapids. As the world grapples with this fundamental lesson of duality, it's crucial to focus inwards. We need to develop the know-how and resilience to ride these waves of change and dismantling since this process will touch every corner of our lives. It's important to take the opportunity to learn to unite this duality within ourselves.
By understanding ourselves and our potential, we can contribute to a more peaceful future. As we move through this growth process, it's imperative to weave the threads of resilience, expansion, and fortification of our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies.
You can begin this journey of Self-Discovery with a powerful practice called "The Here and the Now", designed to cultivate present-moment awareness and inner peace. This practice will equip you to contribute harmony to the collective consciousness.
There's no need to be discombobulated by the growing pains. Embrace your inner spiritual warrior or athlete, someone who practices diligently every day to awaken consciousness. This internal work becomes and is a way of life.

My love and joy
MW Lizette