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Sexual Arts: A precursor to intercourse...

Dec. 29, 2022

A precursor to intercourse is the warming up of the Gates of Heaven, more so for the woman than for the man. This is on a physical\biological level. On an energetic level, the “reading” of the spheres of Love and Spirit are important for both individuals.

The warming-up of the Gates of Heaven is what we also call foreplay. Let's talk a little bit about this important step. We may view foreplay as a certain look, kissing, touching each other's bodies while still dressed, dancing, candles, etc., actions that eventually lead to more direct sexual stimulation and then intercourse.

from pexels- evgeniya kuzmina

But I want to talk about another level of foreplay and perhaps we can call it

Loversplay. It doesn't necessarily lead to intercourse but it takes lovemaking to a whole new other level.

Day in and day out it's the small enticing “I love you and care about you” messages we present to our Beloved. It's those subtle little details that enliven their heart and warms their soul and that becomes a precursor and a holding base for those times when we make love. It's those gestures that make the other feel alive, wanted, needed, truly loved, and important in our lives. It's those actions that say, it's not all about me, it's not just about what I feel and my emotions, it’s about you too and about the relationship and what we have built and want to continue to build.

It’s those small acts of kindness, perhaps short-lived but enduring to the heart. That written note left under the pillow; the art piece you made just for them; that special surprise meal; that encouraging word; a listening ear without any words; that token of wonder, of compassion, of forgiveness, of happiness; a cup of coffee or tea and a gentle embrace.

It’s that desire to nurture, water, and sunray your relationship and your beloved with gratitude . Short spurts of Loversplay a few times per day will certainly make those moments for the opening of the Gates of Heaven and the meeting and communion between the Yin/Yang energies a true Joy.

And you know what this building takes, the desire to reach toward the best loving person you can be with your significant other and the determination to share time and space to the fullest extent of Total Encompassing Love possible with your better half. Most of all, it takes Self-Love.

Happy Self-Discoveries in the realm of the Lovers.

from unsplash - kristina litvjak


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