MedicineWomanSpeaksAug 25, 2022Quote for the Moment: We must overcome natureMWL Jun. 19, 2022We must overcome and subdue our nature or nature will overcome us. This is the nature of things.Photo by Stefano Pollio on Unsplash#MedicineWoman #MedicineWomanSpeaks #MWSmovement #spirituality #HigherTruth #PeaceLoveJoy #SpiritualCoaching #LifeCoaching
MWL Jun. 19, 2022We must overcome and subdue our nature or nature will overcome us. This is the nature of things.Photo by Stefano Pollio on Unsplash#MedicineWoman #MedicineWomanSpeaks #MWSmovement #spirituality #HigherTruth #PeaceLoveJoy #SpiritualCoaching #LifeCoaching